Are you having questions regarding a product, an order, or anything else? We have the answers right here.

  1. How do I place an order?

One of the easiest things to do is place an order. As you are exploring our website, click on any product you like. After clicking, you will see the product image with a brief description. You can decide the quantity, go to checkout, and finish the process. Or you can add the product to your cart and shop for other products. Once you are done, the process of checking out is the same as mentioned above.

  1. What payment methods do you accept?

Payment methods can be worrying for customers while shopping on a website. Radiant has only one payment method, and it is Cash on Delivery.

  1. Do you offer international shipping?

Currently, we don’t offer international shipping. But it is certainly a goal that we are working on for the coming months. We will inform all our customers beforehand.

  1. How can I track my order?

In order to track your order, you can contact us by email or through any social media platform that Radiant operates.

  1. What are the products made of?

All of our products regarding silk are made of 100% mulberry silk. 

  1. What is the difference between silk and satin?

Silk is a natural fiber renowned for its unparalleled luxury and numerous benefits for both skin and hair. Derived from the silkworm cocoon, silk is a protein-based fabric that boasts a smooth, soft texture. What sets silk apart is its breathability, moisture-wicking properties, and ability to regulate temperature, ensuring a comfortable and restful night's sleep. Where as satin can be made from various materials, including silk, polyester, or nylon. Unlike silk, satin lacks the natural breathability and moisture-wicking properties that contribute to a comfortable sleep environment.

  1. How can I contact customer support?

Getting in touch with the support team is quite easy. Go to the Contact Us section of the website. Add your name, email, phone number, and message, and click send. The support team will contact you as soon as possible.

  1. Can I wholesale your products or collaborate with your brand?

Our products are available for wholesale based on the quantity requested. Any collaboration requests are taken into consideration by the team. Get in touch for more details.

  1. How can I take care of my silk products?

Taking care of silk products is easy, but needs attention to detail. You can read our blog on how to take care of silk. It will well explained. However, in case of any questions do not hesitate to contact our support team.

  1. How much is the delivery time?

Delivery time can differ during holidays or other external circumstances. However, our standard delivery time in Beirut is between 1-2 days, and outside Beirut is between 3-5 days.


Thank you for taking the time and reading this section.
If you have any other questions, please make sure to contact our support team.